I am almost upto 800 views, hurray hurrah! I'm hoping with this post, I will go flush up to that number! Yah, um..... look for more of these jokes throughout. You also may want to put down anything brown you are eating... just to warn you. So this will be TMI to the max, but hey like the book says, everyone poops. So I have been known to clog a toliet in my day, which has put me into jams de backup... literally.
Exhibit A: I was at a vball player's house in college; her family was nice enough to let the entire volleyball team stay with them. I decided to return the favor by clogging her comode and simulating a waterfall effect all over her bathroom. I told her I'd be real quick as the rest of the team was outside waiting to depart. Her dad was left to clean up the poopoo, and too bad for him, beans was on the menu the night before.
Exhibit B: I was visiting a friend in college, and woke up frantically looking for the bathroom. The girls room was shut off for cleaning (little did the janitor know, the boys room would soon be too), so I had no choice but to run into the boys room. As I was recreating the Dumb and Dumber scene basically, a guy walked in. No I didn't stop going, I couldn't; plus it was kind of funny. As I'm in mid flush, to my horror I watched the lil' terds cascade all over the bathroom floor. All I could muster was, "Sorry," as his jaw hit the floor next to my poo.
Exhibit C: This one has to be good as it earned the title for this post. I was in my room at college, getting ready for track practice. Last thing on my list was to use the bathroom. Well, once again, clogorama. I was panicked because I was about to be late. I called my bf (hubby now) bawling, telling him I didn't have a plunger and he needed to come help me. Flash forward 10 minutes, he is in my bathroom inhaling poop fumes plunging like there was no tomorrow. Success! Now, what to do with the poop laden plunger? It only made sense to take it outside over my balcony and pour water all over it. Little did I know there was a wind storm, so all poop chunks were blown to the balcony below. (Sorry residents of 106 if you are reading this).
Next time you get stuck (or something else for that matter) in a situation like this, remember, everyone poops.