Monday, July 14, 2014

It's Thomas!

So yesterday was Samuel's third birthday party. He loves Thomas the Train, so that was the theme for the shindig. One of my best friends is an event planner, so I guess I'll have to ask her if a headache, sickness, hangover feeling follows every day AFTER an event. What a whirlwind of a few weeks, and day, but what a reward seeing Samuel's face when the school bus pulled up to take him to his party at the park. 

Pure Joy :)

I know a bus isn't a train, so maybe the theme should have been "transportation" technically. A friend of Josh's brought us conductor-ish gear…so this was our attire for the celebration: 

The baby is all hyped up on caffeine #tiredmom

I love that Josh participates and willingly wears these ridiculous things. I was concentrating on keeping my breakfast and iced coffee down on the bus. I am so sensitive to motion sickness. Every bump in the road and bead of sweat intensified my sickness…. but it was worth it to ride with my little man! 

We had a few hiccups along the way….. 3 to be exact… but it was all good. :)

1.  I saw on Pinterest this easy way to say "Happy Birthday" as soon as your kiddo wakes up on his or her special day. #somethingthatisactuallydoableonpinterest

Go figure, the ONLY lipstick I had in my drawer was my ONLY MAC lipstick…. there is $16.00 down the drain… and Samuel wanted me to wipe it off because "people don't write on mirrors."

2.  When Tiff and I went to the park to decorate in the morning, we had some guests that would not get out of our way. Adorable, but a little anxiety provoking when on a tight schedule to catch a bus! 

3.  I wanted to do this that I found online for drinks to go with the "Thomas" theme….
But we ended up with a broken decanter…. and only iced tea with no signs…..
People probably wondered why there were decanters and cups in addition to four coolers. Stupid Pinterest makes me feel guilty. Sorry Aunt Debbie…. on my to-do list this week.

Overall, it was an awesome day with friends and family. We are so blessed to have Samuel and I hope he had the best time at his party. The day ended with this picture… I was too tired to sleep of course, but I'm glad the birthday boy and my co-conductor got some sleep after a busy day! 

Friday, July 11, 2014

New Blog Design!

So I am super pumped because I totally (well, not me), but Jen, revamped my blog! This is something I have wanted to do for awhile, and I think the timing is just right! While my recipe section will be pretty sparse, I'm excited to share more experiences, stories, etc., and just be"real" navigating through parenting (and life)…especially with another one coming so soon! 

Check out Jen's website…she is awesome! :)


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