Monday, June 25, 2012

Shake the Glitter (Part I)

If you can guess the name of Part II of my blog, I will give you one of the snazzy magnets I bought in Vegas as a souveneir. "It's Vegas baby!" Josh and I took a quick three day getaway to my old hometown out west for our five year anniversary. I will give you a quick overview of our goes! So I'm not the best traveler, however,... I LOVE to fly...something about going to the airport, the hustle and bustle, people catching flights, getting luggage, it's all so exciting. I think post offices and airports are very intriguing. Where are you sending your mail to or flying to, and would I actually want to know the answer and be interested if I asked you this question. I am NOT a good traveler, because I get very motion sickies. On our flight to Punta Cana for our honeymoon, I spent the whole time trying not to ralph on the person next to me. Dramamine worked like a charm this time, so I was hoping it was the beginning of my luck! So here we are on the plane... I thought I was stylin' and profilin' in my fedora, until I literally saw 80 year old men wearing the same one. Josh and I coined the term "fedoucher" because we saw some pretty interesting peeps sporting these trendy hats on our trip. We were laughing so hard at the grand finale when we spotted a "fedoucher" couple lounging by the pool... We stayed at the Encore, which is a sister hotel of the Wynn. One of the five star resorts in Vegas, and it was absolutely breathtaking. We were able to receive a free night at the Encore with the help of our travel agent. We were so glad it worked out because this place rocked! If you are not familiar with the heat out west, it is so different than PA. It literally feels like your skin is melting off, but it isn't humid. It almost takes your breath away because it's so intense. So here we are at the pool... Could I be more cliche (braid, aviators, Hunger Games, sailor suit). If I walked past me, I would be annoyed. Side note, Hunger Games was definitely good, but I'm not dying to read #'s 2 and 3. I'm not a hater, definitely a fan, but not enthralled like the rest of the country. Josh refused to wear sunblock until the last day, whereas I suprisingly, was a crazy applier of at least 30. I didn't want to get fried and be miserable. The saga will continue very shortly...shake the glitter! :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Talk Less, Blog More

Sooo hello sweet summer! I can't believe it is summer vacation already. It feels surreal because I wasn't there the entire's really over already?! Boxes packed, papers checked, or uh..recycled, grades in, summer on! I will definitely get my taste of stay-at-hom-momism over the next few weeks, and so far so good. I constantly feel like I second guess what I'm doing with Samuel though. Should we have a structured day planned? Should I have read him one more book? Should we do flashcards? Did I refer to Samuel,Mommy, Daddy,using our names instead of pronouns b/c he doesn't understand them yet? Sheesh. Then I go on my homepage and see a mom drove with her baby on the roof of her car and I don't feel so bad about my parenting. Unless that was part of Jackass 4, that lady is a cockledoo, to quote my gf *Bethenny*. My college friend Dana created a bucket list last year in honor of her 30th birthday. I am going to do something similar, but make it more short-term, and have the duration be this summer.. so here goes.. in no particular order: 1. Read my Bible more and blog more...I am not putting a definitive amount here b/c I don't want to set myself up for failure right off the bat. Needless to say, I'm not going to count my dailybible verse that comes through on my app as sufficient. I need to do more. I also need to blog more... I have a lot to say, so if you don't want to hear it, then read it. Talk less, blog more. 2. I hopped on the organization train as of last week, and unless I get majorly derailed (pun intended) my house will be labeled, categorized, color coded, etc. Every day I will take the approach of "bettering" one area or one room. 3. Okay let's get fun now.... I really want to get my final tattoo(s) this summer. I already have one on my right foot for my mom, Philemon 1:4- "I always thank my God when I remember you in my prayers". I am so glad I got this tattoo with my friend Adam Guthrie. That is such a special memory I have with him. My other tattoo I got with Kristin and Tiffany a few years ago. Josh and I were married at the time, so I didn't want to tell him I was going to get another tattoo b/c I knew he would say, "no" and I wasn't okay with "asking" my husband for permission.. what am I Florence Knightengale (did I just make that name up)? So I surprised him at dinner with my new ink, and he asked if it was temporary (kind of offensive to the tattoo artist). I explained that each color represented our favorites... me: yellow, Kristin: purple, Tiffany: blue. He said it looked like a Steelers tattoo. I compromised and said my reasoning for the new tattoo was twofold. :) The sides and locations of my tattoos are purposeful, well I hope that's always the case with tattoos. I like things to be even and balanced. So after tattoo # 1 was on my right foot, tattoo # 2 had to be on the left. Tattoo # 3 will be a huge cross in the middle of my back. Not sure yet on style, size, color, etc. but I have a few ideas. I would also like to get something in my mom's handwriting added to tattoo # 1 on my foot. 4. Be a good auntie to my niece, Elin. She is beyond small, precious, and perfect. A gift from God...<3 her. 5. Be okay with self-actualization. The older I get, the more I discover about myself; the good, the bad, the Fugly. Yes that f is necessary... sometimes I catch myself and I think, ugh that's what annoys me about my dad, or what my mom used to do, and now I'm doing it. I'm annoyed with myself for something that annoys me about them, what gives? Something else I realized is I wait until things spiral out of control to take care of them. Examples: my hair in regards to washing and cutting, Samuel's toys at the end of the day, my disorganization. I'm glad I am aware of what I do, but I need to do things better. Speaking of Samuel is crying...more later xoxo


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