If you can guess the name of Part II of my blog, I will give you one of the snazzy magnets I bought in Vegas as a souveneir. "It's Vegas baby!" Josh and I took a quick three day getaway to my old hometown out west for our five year anniversary. I will give you a quick overview of our trip....here goes!
So I'm not the best traveler, however,... I LOVE to fly...something about going to the airport, the hustle and bustle, people catching flights, getting luggage, it's all so exciting. I think post offices and airports are very intriguing. Where are you sending your mail to or flying to, and would I actually want to know the answer and be interested if I asked you this question. I am NOT a good traveler, because I get very motion sickies. On our flight to Punta Cana for our honeymoon, I spent the whole time trying not to ralph on the person next to me. Dramamine worked like a charm this time, so I was hoping it was the beginning of my luck! So here we are on the plane...

I thought I was stylin' and profilin' in my fedora, until I literally saw 80 year old men wearing the same one. Josh and I coined the term "fedoucher" because we saw some pretty interesting peeps sporting these trendy hats on our trip. We were laughing so hard at the grand finale when we spotted a "fedoucher" couple lounging by the pool...
We stayed at the Encore, which is a sister hotel of the Wynn. One of the five star resorts in Vegas, and it was absolutely breathtaking.

We were able to receive a free night at the Encore with the help of our travel agent. We were so glad it worked out because this place rocked!
If you are not familiar with the heat out west, it is so different than PA. It literally feels like your skin is melting off, but it isn't humid. It almost takes your breath away because it's so intense. So here we are at the pool...

Could I be more cliche (braid, aviators, Hunger Games, sailor suit). If I walked past me, I would be annoyed. Side note, Hunger Games was definitely good, but I'm not dying to read #'s 2 and 3. I'm not a hater, definitely a fan, but not enthralled like the rest of the country. Josh refused to wear sunblock until the last day, whereas I suprisingly, was a crazy applier of at least 30. I didn't want to get fried and be miserable. The saga will continue very shortly...shake the glitter! :)
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