Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Family of Four Whenever I take a test and it's positive, I seriously go into a shocked/catatonic phase. I blink over and over to make sure I actually am seeing two lines. Testing positive a few days after Christmas was so exciting. I feel like the day I took the test I was literally showing already.
So what happens to tats on the stomach reason during pregnancy? This will be a fun game for the next 10 months. :) So many things rush through my head (at all times) but especially when I'm pregnant. Some of my first thoughts were... -How will Samuel be with another baby? I grew up an only child, so in a sense, that is all that I know... how will I be able to fairly, equally, adequately, honestly spend my time with two of them? Will Samuel feel slighted at all? -I'm sorry to people who are having trouble getting pregnant out there, because now I'm just one more person who is, and you're not, and I feel for you. I'm sorry to women who can't have kids, because my status, is a reminder. I'm sorry to people who are going through a rough patch in a relationship, in life, at work, because my "happy" posting is an annoyance. I've been there and I know how hard it is when everyone around you seems to be so happy, and it's hard for you to put on a smile. I'm sorry for women who have lost babies, and your heartache is intensified reading, seeing, watching anything to do with pregnancies or babies. -What in the world will this body of mine do this pregnancy? Will it be stretched, pulled, battered? Will I go back? Will I have twins? Okay, I could seriously type 10 pages of my thoughts, but I'll stop. 1 Samuel 1:27 We couldn't be more excited. Thank you God for the miracle of pregnancy. Thank you for letting us grow our family. Thank you for restoration in marriage, and all the blessings that comes with it. Thank you for letting me be a mom to a sweet new child. I'm not good at a lot of things, but I think Samuel would say I'm a pretty good mom, and hopefully new bambino agrees.

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